Wearing: Zara Top Similar | HM Jeans Similar | Ancient Greek Sandals | Revlon Colourburst Balm Stain in Rendezvous
Let's give praise to the fashion Gods for Breton tops and bold lips. I was awake for most of last night looking after Dolly who had a high temperature, so I'm a little tired and stressed today to say the least (luckily Dolly is feeling much better and a quick dash to the doctors has put my mind at rest).
Obviously the last thing on my mind this morning was my outfit, so I reached for a Breton top, scraped my hair up into a mum knot and slapped on an amazing new coral lipstick, which my friend kindly bought me. Amazingly I managed to look half awake.
As you know by now I'm a massive fan of a bright lipstick, and this is my new fave. It's actually a balm stain, meaning it leaves a bold colour and moisturises at the same time. Bonus!
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